How you got to know about Augmento Labs and joined us?
I got direct call from Augmento Labs regarding job opportunity. Then I attended 2 rounds of technical interviews followed by a HR round and joined the Augmento family.
Q1 – What brings you to work?
Doing tasks that have meaning for me.
Q2- What has been a big learning moment in your career?
1. Focus on developing and using my strengths.
2. Work until the work is done.
3. Remember to look on the bright side.
Q3- What was your best day at work?
When I got succeed in a challenging work and got my first salary.
Q4- What’s something that happened that can only happen here?
Good scope to learn new things and good, co-operative people to work with.
Q5 – What’s the best advice you were ever given and who was it from?
To be honest and sincere in work
By My Father
Q6-What’s one hobby you’d love to get into?
To watch movies and play badminton.
Q7 – What book are you reading now?
I am not getting much time to read any book now.