How you got to know about Augmento labs and joined us?
I was working in TestYantra Software Solutions when Augemto Labs was one of the clients. Initially, I started working in Augmento Labs on a contract basis later to which I became a permanent employee.
Q1 – What brings you to work?
I came here because I wanted to implement practically all that I learned about work. On top of that, I love learning new things that give energy to me work every day.
Q2- What has been a big learning moment in your career?
There are two particular moments like that. The first one was when I decided to start a career in IT as a software Test engineer, and the second one was when I switched from JAVA to .NET(C#).
Q3- What was your best day at work?
My best day at work was when I knew that I had a contribution in making my team achieve the goals for that day.
Q4- What’s something that happened that can only happen here?
There are two main things. There is the visibility of work, and you can directly communicate with the founders of this company and discuss whatever you want.
Q5 – What’s the best advice you were ever given and who was it from?
The best advice that I was ever given was from Rajneesh. He taught me about “How to grow individually and as a team.”
Q6- What’s one hobby you’d love to get into?
Q7 – What book are you reading now?
Currently I am not reading any book , but I learn new things from online platforms like UDEMY on my spare time.